A quote used in Ed's presentation - and most appropriate for our industry as we enter a era of change.

Australasian Association of Convenience Stores

The 2013 Convenience Leaders Summit, Canberra, NSW Australia


Australasian Association of Convenience Stores

The 2013 Convenience Leaders Summit, Canberra, NSW Australia - August 2013


Brett Barclay moderates the panel on the challenges facing convenience stores today across different markets.

Ed speaking on the importance of innovation in today's changing convenience store environment.

A panel discussion including Patrick Sewell from the UK and Chris Andrianopoulis of AA Holdings Australia and Jo Moxey from Coca-Cola.

Parliament House in Canberra for the Leadership Summit of the Australasian Association of Convenience Stores Limited.


email:  ed@burcherconsulting.com |  phone:  716.361.4362